Most Unusual Foods Around the World

Travelling around the world is something that a lot of people enjoy. Some do it to unwind and sunbathe on tropical beaches, some love to simply meet and experience different cultures, or because they are thrill-seekers. But it’s also worth mentioning that one of the great joys of travelling lies in trying out different cuisines. So if you fancy yourself a gourmet traveller stick around, we will be going over some of the most unusual meals around the world.   

Pig’s Blood Cake

This is a popular street food sold in Taiwan, and according to some experts, it can help our lungs heal smog damage. It’s sold like ice cream on a stick and it’s made from rice and of course pig blood.

It looks delicious, like a cake on a stick, so it was probably more helpful not to tell you what exactly it is. 


Many regard pigeons as rats with wings, as this is a really dirty street animal. But in France, it is an expensive dish, served at most exquisite restaurants and supposedly delicious. This really makes you wonder, how come everyone is not preparing this dish since there is no shortage of filthy pigeons in Europe. 


Grasshoppers are pretty much standard food in Uganda, and they are even eaten raw. They are caught during the rainy season, and you can buy ones with and without wings, and cook them. It’s really hard to imagine eating a raw grasshopper and finding it delicious unless you are Bear Grylls or a big fan of the Lion King. Hakuna Matata, right? 


Donkey meat is pretty standard in Italy, and you can order it in any bar. It’s sliced and served similar to prosciutto, and it does have a unique taste. You probably wouldn’t guess that it’s donkey meat when you try it. 

Anagoria, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Live Octopus

Unlike calamari or squid that is a common, delicious and most importantly dead, live octopus is served while it’s still alive and wiggling. It’s also not one of those meals that you can savour and enjoy by taking your time, as chefs in South Korea suggest that you need to eat it quickly. This is by far the most unusual thing, not because octopi are tasty but because you have to kill it yourself while eating it. The whole idea behind restaurants and supermarkets is that people don’t have to kill the animals themselves. 


Ostrich meat is becoming increasingly popular, as it has lower cholesterol and is healthier compared to other meat. You can use it to make burgers, or use the eggs for an omelette. It’s very common in South Africa and you’ll see it pop up on menus frequently. 

5 Reasons You Should Get a Fitbit

Fitbits are health and fitness trackers that you wear while performing daily activities. Connecting a Fitbit to your smartphone is done via Bluetooth while connecting to your computer is done via USB. Users usually wear Fitbit all day long – some of them even when showering. If you are serious about your fitness in 2022, you should definitely invest in a FitBit. The following highlights top reasons why it might be a good idea to get one! Take a look!

Accountability with FitBit

Setting up your fitness goals is part of getting a FitBit. The goals can be changed at any time. With the Fitbit, you’ll be notified when you’re reaching certain goals for the day. Behavioural psychology plays a role in this. When people leave things incomplete, they feel bad about it. This is why progress bars are popular. We enjoy checking off items on lists. Fitbit displays graphs and progress bars in bright colours, and as you approach a goal, the colour of the progress bar will change, until it reaches bright green.

Support Your Friends

In the app, there are a lot of features, but the friends function feels very rewarding to most users. You can cheer on your friends or taunt them through the mobile app. The thrill of cheering others is equal to that of checking your phone to see if you’ve been cheered on. Even though you may think that’s ridiculous, it’s an important part of keeping up motivation.

It Will Get You Going

Whenever you have a goal, you tend to take extra steps to make sure you reach it. Most users reported that it inspired them to complete chores differently, and take extra steps while doing them. Some of them even started taking a daily mile walk since they got the device. You can track your activities whether you are walking, running, exercising or hiking. Once you start, make sure to log in, so the app can calculate your calorie burn. Exercise days are marked by a blue checkmark on the calendar in the exercise view. 

It Promotes Healthy Eating Habits

Counting calories is not for everyone. It can be tedious, especially for those who don’t like to measure their ingredients. Rather than counting calories, people use the Fitbit as a food journal, so while some don’t use it to count calories, they use it as a measuring device. It is important to keep a log of what you eat and what time of day you eat it. Everything prepackaged or purchased at a mainstream restaurant is picked from the extensive list. This will help you to lose weight and eat healthier. For most people, it’s difficult to remember exactly what they eat without writing it down.

Encourages You to Drink More Water

Health experts cannot emphasize enough how important it is to drink enough water every day. Drinking enough water has always been a struggle for many people, even though they know they should. It is more challenging to avoid drinking water with the Fitbit because it has a waterlog. It is fun to watch the progress bar fill up. You have to monitor your water intake if you are serious about drinking more water. When you are aware of how much water you are consuming, you can increase it quickly.