The Timeless Thrill: Horse Racing

Horse racing has been deeply ingrained in the fabric of British culture for centuries, captivating the hearts and minds of millions. From the thundering hooves on the track to the adrenaline-fuelled atmosphere at the racecourse, this sport has evolved into much more than a mere pastime; it’s a cherished tradition that unites generations and communities across the nation.

A Rich History

Rooted in history, horse racing in Britain traces back to the time of the Romans. Initially a sport for the elite, it gradually became more accessible to the public, evolving into the beloved spectacle it is today. Iconic events such as the Grand National and the Royal Ascot have become synonymous with British heritage, attracting crowds from all walks of life. People are already preparing for the races by looking up the best Royal Ascot Betting Offers, and booking their seats!

Tradition and Prestige

The allure of horse racing lies not only in the excitement of the races themselves but also in the timeless traditions that accompany them. From donning elegant attire at prestigious events to partaking in the customary rituals of placing bets, each aspect adds to the grandeur and prestige of the sport.

The Thrill of the Race

At the heart of horse racing is the exhilarating rush of watching majestic thoroughbreds thunder down the track, neck and neck, striving for victory. The electrifying atmosphere as the crowd erupts in cheers, urging their chosen steeds towards the finish line, is an experience like no other. Whether it’s the adrenaline-pumping sprint of flat racing or the strategic manoeuvres of steeplechase, every race offers its own unique blend of excitement and anticipation.

Uniting Communities

Beyond the thrill of competition, horse racing serves as a unifying force, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds to share in a common passion. Whether it’s a local meet or a major event, the camaraderie among racegoers fosters a sense of belonging and community spirit that transcends societal divides.

A Platform for Excellence

For jockeys, trainers, and breeders, horse racing provides a platform to showcase their skill, dedication, and expertise. The pursuit of excellence drives competitors to push the boundaries of performance, resulting in moments of triumph and glory that are etched into the annals of sporting history.

Economic Impact

Beyond its cultural significance, horse racing plays a pivotal role in the British economy, generating billions in revenue and providing employment opportunities across various sectors. From hospitality and tourism to agriculture and breeding, the ripple effects of the racing industry are felt far and wide, contributing to the nation’s prosperity.

Embracing Change

As times change, so too does the landscape of horse racing. Technological advancements, changing demographics, and evolving attitudes towards animal welfare have prompted the industry to adapt and innovate. From the introduction of all-weather tracks to initiatives promoting sustainability and welfare standards, stakeholders are committed to ensuring the longevity and integrity of the sport.


The legacy of horse racing in Britain remains as vibrant and enduring as ever. With each passing year, new chapters are written, and new champions crowned, yet the timeless spirit of the sport endures. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of racing, there’s no denying the enduring appeal of Britain’s favourite pastime.

In conclusion, horse racing transcends mere sport; it’s a tapestry of tradition, excitement, and camaraderie that weaves its way into the very fabric of British culture. As we celebrate its rich history and look ahead to the adventures that lie ahead, one thing remains certain: the thrill of the track will continue to captivate hearts and minds for generations to come.

Biggest Scandals in Sports History

In order for sports to be entertaining and to make sense at all, we need to have rules and to play fair. Additionally, we need to respect the athletes and appreciate them as people, since they are often viewed as role models. However that’s not always the case, and since there is a lot of money involved in sports, a lot of teams or players opt for cheating. Victory becomes everything, and you lose track of what’s important and why you were inspired to be an athlete. 

That being said, it’s hard to keep these things a secret and the media finds out about them sooner or later. So, let’s see what are some of the biggest scandals throughout sports history that we all still remember. 

2000 Paralympic Basketball

It’s always disgraceful to cheat, but somehow if you do it in the Paralympics it’s significantly more disgusting.

Australian Paralympic Committee, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Unfortunately, it’s happening more frequently than we would like to think, and one of the most notable instances was the basketball tournament in the year 2000.

At that time the Spanish team won the gold medal, but it was later discovered that the Spanish team didn’t get the full check-up. A Spanish journalist brought this to the attention of the tournament managers, which led to an investigation. It turned out that 10 out of 12 players on that team did not suffer from any mental disabilities. In other words, Spain desperately wanted a gold medal and went to these lengths to pull it off.

Of course, the reward was stripped away from them. 

Baseball Players on Steroids 

From 1998 to 2003 baseball games were really crazy, and nobody wanted to admit just how ridiculous the players looked. It wasn’t immediately apparent, but then it was too obvious, and it seems that everyone liked living in denial. This was the time that is referred to as the Steroid Era in baseball, and even if we still have athletes who are trying to use steroids today, nothing can compare to this period.

Luckily, the regulations are tighter nowadays.  

Tiger Woods

Although Tiger Woods did not cheat during his golf matches, the same cannot be said for his marriage.

In 2009, Woods was not home for Thanksgiving, because his wife chased him outside of the house. People first thought he had a car accident, but it was later discovered that his wife smashed the car with the golf clubs. She discovered text messages that led her to believe Woods was having an affair. Later on, 12 women admitted to having sexual relations with Tiger Woods, so he was really unfaithful and it is one of the scandals people talk about to this day. 

O.J Simpson 

Finally, we have the case of O.J Simpson that is shocking today, just as much as it was shocking back in 1994. There was a whole car chase that everyone in the US was watching, and O.J eventually gave up. However, the shocking part was when he didn’t get charged with murder, in spite of mounting evidence that says otherwise.  

How To Choose the Right Sport for You

Anyone who practices some kind of sport knows that there no matter how much you like the activity, there are good days and then, there are bad days. The truth is, that whichever sport you like if you want to do it right then you should expect that there will be days when it will be very energy-demanding. 

However, not all people know what sport is the right one for them. They decide that they want to increase the level of physical activity in their life, but they are not sure what they need to start practising. So, if you are one of those people, and you are having a hard time picking the right sports discipline for your daily schedule, then read the tips below that might guide you to the solution you need.

Are You A Team Player

One of the first questions that you need to answer when choosing the right sport for you is whether or not you are a team player.

Some people deliver better results when they know that there are others that they can rely on. On the other hand, there are some people who thrive when they are on their own. Therefore, depending on which of these two types you are you can choose between individual or team sports. If you like playing by yourself (with just an opponent on the other side) you can opt for tennis or boxing. But if you prefer team activities, then you can consider basketball, soccer, or even hockey. 

Do You Like Outdoor Activities

Another thing that you can take into consideration is if you prefer outdoor or indoor activities. Luckily, there are some sports that can be practised in both outdoor courts or fields, or in an indoor arena. Fans of outdoor activities can always think about taking up cycling or hiking. What is more, they can practice these activities during most part of the year, and use special equipment like a home bike or stepper when weather conditions are poor. Additionally, if you enjoy indoor activities more, you can look for a nearby club or sports centre and see which sports you can practise. It’s very likely that you will find a place where you can practice sports like basketball, volleyball, boxing, or even fencing and mini soccer.

What Is Your Goal When It Comes to Physical Activities

The last question that you need to ask yourself is what are you trying to achieve with the sports activity that you want to practice. For some people, the sports activity is just a reason to hang out with their friends. Others want to relax and unwind in the great outdoors. And after answering all of these questions, you will find the perfect sport for you. 

Should Hiking Be Considered a Sport?

Many sports started out as a hobby that gradually became more popular. However, in order for a hobby to be a sport, it needs to have a competitive aspect. Collecting stamps is a hobby, but it’s not really competitive, as the only thing you can do is compare your collection to someone else’s. Video games are competitive, and those that really focus on player vs. player dynamic are now eSports. This is why it’s difficult to place hiking into the sports category because the whole concept is somewhere in the middle. So, let’s take a close look and see if hiking should be a sport. 

Can Hiking Be Competitive? 

Hiking is basically faster walking, but not fast enough to be considered running. Meaning, it’s always physically possible for hikers to go faster, and the reason they don’t is that they are not racing one another. That being said, people can compete in terms of how many miles or kilometers they can traverse during their hike. In other words, you can make it about the distance and add some rules on top to make it more interesting. However, would this be enough to make hiking a sport? 

Why Hiking Doesn’t Work as a Sport

The sport needs to be a spectacle, and people need to demonstrate their athletic fitness, fitness, endurance, or another physical aspect that would be also entertaining. Hiking, although it can test endurance, wouldn’t be too entertaining to spectate, and it would probably last for hours or days. It can be impressive to hear how many kilometres someone has passed on foot, and on difficult terrain, but no one would be interested in watching the whole thing happen. In other words, you can’t make hiking interesting without turning it into a race.

A Potential Solution

Perhaps there can be a sport that could rely on hiking but with a different theme. Hiking is about exploring nature, so why not turn it into a treasure hunt. There could be a long trail involved, but the majority of the points are scored by uncovering treasures and bringing them to the final destination. This way of running wouldn’t make sense, and the best thing to do would be to slowly explore the surroundings and find the hidden objects. 

Competitors might need to solve certain puzzles in order to get the items or at least some hints where the items could be.

It doesn’t really make the whole thing more exciting to watch, but it makes for a more entertaining competition for those who are participating. 


So even if it is healthy and treated as physical activity, hiking cannot be considered a sport. It can be competitive on its own, but that doesn’t make it interesting for those who are watching. If we were to make it about speed or distance, it would no longer be considered hiking, and that’s why it can never be a sport or a stand-alone competition.  

Best British Athletes of All Time

Which UK athlete is the greatest of all time? The GOAT of the world of sport in the UK? To put it mildly, that’s a complicated question. Men’s and women’s athletes, as well as competitions from the Olympic and individual realms, are considered, across all the different eras, looking at not only the greatest of each sport but the greatest of all. So, even if many may disagree, here’s the list of the best British athletes of all time.

Sir Chris Hoy

Olympic cyclist Old Jumbo Thighs Hoy is the most decorated Olympian of all time with seven Olympic medals, six golds and one silver. For the first time in 100 years, a Brit won three gold medals in a single Olympics. He has won 11 World Championship titles as well. In addition to having been inspired to begin cycling by the film ET, he’s an entirely decent guy as well, which is worth more than points.

Robbie Dale, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Lennox Lewis

Lewis boxed for Canada at the Olympics, but he was a proud Brit by the time he did what he did best. He was also the world’s undisputed heavyweight champion at one time, which is rare these days. After defeating Evander Holyfield in 1999, he became WBC Heavyweight champion in 1993. As a result of his victories over Mike Tyson in 2002 and Vitali Klitschko a year later, he showed that he could beat the best in the business.

Jonny Wilkinson

In the 2003 World Cup final, he scored a famous drop goal to end years of underachievement in rugby. In arguably helping pave the way for England’s success, he helped prove that England could win under the greatest pressure on the biggest stage. England reached the 2007 final as Wilko’s cool head kept Australia and France from scoring. The local Toulon fans fell in love with him during his final season with the club, just like the Twickenham crowd did years earlier.

Fanny Schertzer, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Andy Murray

Prior to Tim Henman, British tennis was laughed at all over the globe. Yet, the man from Dunblane caught up to him in 2012, winning the US Open and Wimbledon in the same year. The Scot won the Grand Slam for the first time since Fred Perry in 1930, and he won it at the same time as such greats as Federer and Nadal. Andy’s star will shine even brighter if he manages to help Britain win the Davis Cup and so far no one player has won the tournament virtually all by themselves.

Nick Faldo

While Rory McIlroy is well on his way to becoming a legendary player, he hasn’t yet equaled the achievement of golf’s “Mr Single-minded”. Three of Faldo’s major championships in America were Open Championships and three Masters. A peak of his power saw him ranked number one in the world for 98 weeks. A member of 11 Ryder Cup teams, Faldo is also known for helping to end America’s dominance in the sport.

User:SeamusSweeney, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton showed that he has talent when he joined Formula 1 in 2007. It was one of the greatest rookie seasons in F1 history. In the past few years he has been breaking record by record. In 2020. he won his seventh F1 Title – the record that belonged to legendary Michael Schumacher. Last year, he almost broke even that one! Just a couple of laps before the end of the last race of the 2021 F1 season everyone thought that the eighth Title was in his hands. To his misfortune, some unexpected things happened and turned things in Max Verstappen’s favour. Still, Hamilton’s career is one of the most successful ever, and it’s not over yet.

Biggest Sports Events of 2022

Every year brings along a fresh batch of new sports competitions that people all over the world get to enjoy. However, some years are more exciting than the others, especially when multiple big tournaments line up. The year 2022 is definitely going to be incredible for all of the sports fans out there, as it will have several big events. So, let’s see what are some of the most important competitions that are going to take place in the year 2022. 

Australia Open

Starting in mid-January, the Australian Open will grab the attention of all Tennis fans out there. It’s not the most important tennis competition, but it’s still very popular, and all of the best players from across the globe will be competing here. 

Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is the biggest NFL event in the US, and even if you are not a fan of American football you will definitely enjoy the opening ceremony. Organizers know how to put up a real show, and they bring some of the stars from the music industry to play for all of the spectators. Moreover, we tend to get some incredibly creative commercials during this event, so there are a lot of things to look forward to. It will start on February 13, and NFL enthusiasts will have the time of their life watching these matches. 

Grand National

A spectacular event that takes place during the spring. Horse racing is one of the most popular sports in Great Britain, and the Grand National is almost like a festival. People will have a fun time watching the races, drinking, betting, and trying to spot as many celebrities as they can. Of course, eccentric hats will be there as well, as per tradition.  

NBA Finals

Basketball is played all over the world, but there is no bigger competition than the NBA. This is where the best of the best go against each other, and each game is a true spectacle. Everyone is eagerly expecting to see who will take the trophy home, and also see what new NFTs will be created over the course of each match. NBA Finals will commence in June 2022. 


As mentioned, the Australian Open isn’t the biggest tennis competition, but Wimbledon definitely is. Tennis players really give their best to take the Wimbledon trophy home, and to leave a lasting impression on all of the spectators there.

Novak Djokovic is currently the reigning champion, and he has won the past 3 Wimbledon events, so we will see if he will come on top this time as well. In the year 2022, the Wimbledon competition will start on June 27.  

FIFA World Cup

Finally, we have the biggest sports event in the world and that is the FIFA World Cup that will be held in Qatar in November. Soccer is the most popular sport in the whole world, so it’s natural that events like the FIFA World Cup receive so much attention. Due to the high temperatures in Qatar, the event was pushed so far back, so soccer fans will have to wait for almost a whole year before they get to enjoy their matches. 


These were the most notable events that fans are looking forward to in the upcoming year. There are lots of other competitions that will take place, like the US Open, Tour de France, Winter Olympics,  World Aquatics Championships, and Stanley Cup finals. 

Top Sports News Apps in 2021

A dedicated sports fan will never miss an update on their favourite game. These days, a smartphone is indispensable, especially for sports enthusiasts who are constantly seeking the latest sports news. The following list highlights top-tier apps used by sports fans worldwide.


Using Feedly, you can access a large database of articles and news from a variety of fields in one place. Plus, the app allows you to follow your interest topics and keeps you informed about all the latest news related to them. By organizing all the blogs, stories, and articles about your favourite space in one place, Feedly makes it easier for you to find the information you need when you need it. Both iOS and Android users can find it on the Apple App Store and on Google Play.

Bleacher Report

Users can keep up to date with the latest sports news through the Bleacher Report mobile app regardless of what sports they prefer. You will find news about football, hockey, baseball, golf, basketball, mixed martial arts, or MMA. Users can make sure they don’t miss out on any drama, surprises, or victories by following their favourite teams and clubs. The app enables users to follow their favourite sports, leagues, and teams according to their preferences. On the app’s homepage, carousels let iOS and Android users flip through their favourite teams.

Forza Football

Live football on Forza Football is unparalleled. Featuring over 560 football leagues, the app is an irresistible app for football fans. You will receive notifications of live scores and opinion polls for football leagues around the world via Forza Football. It gives you the opportunity to speak out. Share your opinion and answer the poll questions as well to participate in the conversation. Android and iOS users can download the app for free.


Popular sports apps like theScore provide quick sports updates, analysis, and score updates with breaking sports news. To stay on top of upcoming events, users can also check the sports events calendar. Like in the majority of top-notch sports news apps, you will get the opportunity to personalize your news feed, check the real-time scores on dashboards, and chat with friends. In addition, you will be able to read the most popular social stories about your favourite teams and players. Lastly, the app is available to both Android and iOS users.


LiveScore has been providing online score updates since 1998. The app allows users to keep track of tennis, football, basketball, hockey, and soccer scores while on the go. It’s the cherry on top that there is live commentary available for each match. It features an intuitive layout that makes browsing game highlights easy. Users can easily get live notifications when specific matches are on and add their top games to their favourites list. In addition, you will be able to track balls through pitch view as well as see upcoming matches on the calendar.