Smart Gadgets for Hikers and Campers

In this day and age, there’s an extensive selection of valuable products for any hobby that you can imagine. Hiking and camping are not an exception. In fact, given the range of activities it offers, you can find plenty of smart gadgets that are extremely useful in the wild.

Here’s a list of a couple of gadgets that will help you have an enjoyable, safe, and fun adventure on your hike.

Backpack With LED Lights

A good thing about LED lights is that they spend low energy. Plus, their flexibility makes it easier to implement them in all sorts of products. One of them is a LED-lit backpack. It’s the perfect addition to the equipment you’re already using. Whether you’re planning to hike during the night or not, you always have lights with you.

If you get carried away on your walk throughout the wilderness, you can always turn on your soft backpack lights and light the way for you and your friends.

Aside from hiking, this product is also helpful for camping as a light source. Don’t forget to pack several batteries so you can recharge lights if necessary.

Smart Water Bottle

Every hiking adventure is exciting, and you can easily get carried away and forget to drink water. That can quickly lead to more tiredness as your body gets dehydrated. However, you can find smart water bottles in the market that are connected to your smartphone via Bluetooth. It measures your water consumption throughout the day and reminds you to drink it.

You can count on your little partner to remind you to drink water as you have fun on your adventures.

A USB Speaker

Are you looking for a way to bring more joy on your hiking trip? Get a USB speaker for more fun. You’ll find plenty of them specifically designed for hiking conditions. Look for those who are splash-proof, shock resistant, and have plenty of battery life. You’ll have more fun while you’re walking through beautiful landscapes with memorable scenery. If you’re camping with friends, a USB speaker is a must-have. It will create a relaxed atmosphere no matter where you are.

GPS Tracker

Hiking is fun, but always remember to be cautious. To remain visible to your family and friends back at home, but to those with you, get a couple of GPS trackers. All you have to do is spread them out among friends and keep them in the backpack. If you’re going by car, place one in it. With these at hand, it’s practically impossible to get lost.

Even if you split up with your friends, you can easily track them down and continue the adventure.

Portable Burning CampStove

Are you all out of batteries? No worries, this gadget is the perfect thing to keep all your devices powered up. The BioLite’s CampStove uses fire not only to help you cook or boil water but to charge your battery. The device comes with a removable battery that you can charge.

Whenever you need to top up your phone, you can count on this little gadget. Given that it weighs 2 lbs, it’s more suitable for camping than hiking.

However, if you have a big team, one of the friends can carry it while others carry other supplies.